BartzyNew Memberlog: 2010-05-16 Posts: 7
Last time, Facebook has limited the ability of my application to attend a news feed of its users.
My application is not a bad thing, people love it (4.8 out of 5 stars).
How do I lift the restriction as soon as possible? It kills my application is very viral, not having the channel news feed kills him.
Thank you.
U put a glass screen enter your insights and news section?
BartzyNew Memberlog: 2010-05-16 Posts: 7Hey James,
Insights news feed section shows the application is 15th percentile reports the spam. But it's just that people share a lot of (their own), then they themselves remove it (cause they really believe tons of pictures of their wall).
I didn't much weight on this message 15th percentile, mainly because I knew so users remove some how stories ...
If you can get this functionality again, I will make sure to maintain very low spam ratio (allow each user to publish fewer stories).
Thank you!
Takwing_ _ A Moderator But Do Not Have
It is true that u have the e-mail informing you on fb restriction.
As far as I can remember, have FB said what you have to do it in mail.
In the worst case, you can contact FB with form developer support
BartzyNew Memberlog: 2010-05-16 Posts: 7Actually no, I didn't get all mail from Facebook.
Already tried to contact them using the support form.
This is very time sensitive matter, we're talking here about 2.5 meters Mao application.
Someone Facebook platform helped me.

I can understand how you feel ... But still I have to say "you get really small chance at getting support from Facebook platform on a case by making a post here"
BartzyNew Memberlog: 2010-05-16 Posts: 7Takwing, thank you for your empathy ... And why even sent them a message using the contact form and hope it will be someone there soon.