Facebook application for sale: ask Leah psychic love

It is writen by implementing Facebook fortune teller in an Iframe.

Features of this code:

Ajax integrated Facebook
An iFrame-based app.
-New mail entering the home of friends, the user profile.
-Script collection email, time zone, language, sex, of information about users.
Offline publication is available on the walls, the walls of the members of the user pages. each publication is done by one Admin panell.
-Sending an e-mail to users via e-mail.
-Integrated Facebook plugins-friend invite, like the comments box.

Price: $ 10.00

Working demo application: off Leah ask love psychic

You can see, buy, more Facebook appliction scripts http://www.sicrets.com/ in, send an email or write blue7772 Skype.

Last edited by blue7777 (today 22: 25: 30)