SmalleydNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-04 Posts: 3
The bump. Each full give up any insight based on this backend logs for this issue. It's dumbfounding that can't approve new users within an existing application if not working fine.
TokyokpsNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-09 Posts: 1I'm having a similar problem. According to, , it should be no clientId client_id in the URL. If this change the url, I get a slightly different error message: "error I'm with [YOUR_APP_NAME]). Please try again later. " This is my first time using the client-side validation (only I used previously iOS SDK), so I can't tell if it is temporary server problem (full Board is likely to be), or I'm doing something wrong ... Again, appreciated all the help.
AlexR1973New Memberregistered: 2011-08-09 Posts: 1Same problem here. It works a few days before, but suddenly stopped working. If a user is not logged in--I got a message "Please try again later." on the screen without any other information. Any ideas how to fix this problem?
DlbNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-09 Posts: 1It here. Just started trying to learn how to create apps hit the wall "try again later". What happens, the full Board?
Saturn5New Memberregistered: 2011-08-09 Posts: 2I took "Please try again later" consulting the error message, and tried again later. Later. Later. And yet, here we are, coding workarounds instead of dropping my client application. Very beautiful, Facebook.
CdganNew Memberregistered: 2011-06-28 Postssmalleyd: 3 registerednew Member: 2011-08-04 Posts: 3Here is what I have so far. It seems that the "redirect_uri" parameter must be a domain/hosting that matches your application's canvas page. This means that you can't redirect to a URL like Facebook application. After fixing that, I get the proper permission page. Unfortunately, this path down forces you to use the new OAUTH APIs. No more receive auth_token valid for use with the old APIs.
For some of you this may not be a problem. For myself, I'm just trying to recover from the install.exe php no longer works. Upshot, I converted my entire application OAUTH to continue to register new users automatically. It sucks.
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