Parameter name: request
Translate Request has too much data
Parameter name: request
hcadNew MemberRegistered: 2010-03-05Posts: 1
I have included the following code in the header of my website, the image_src is correctly included, but the play symbol no appears and the FLVplayer is not embebed on facebook, the link opens a new window. :-(
Any ideas?
how can i change the allowscriptaccess to always rather than never and wmode to transparent rather than opaque... i added it in the tag but that didn't work
help, please
supriyaakgNew MemberRegistered: 2010-06-04Posts: 2Hi,
The new player that I have put up for video sharing on facebook, doesnt show up, instead I see the old player.
In the embed tag, for the following content, does the facebook cdn server cache the player (
Any long does the cdn retain data before an update and till what part of the embedded player is stored...the player, or till the video_id?
reckNew MemberRegistered: 2010-02-09Posts: 6until recently it worked fine
But about a month in link wall not embed the video, but only the image
something has changed in the facebook?
cristo-revoNew MemberRegistered: 2010-07-13Posts: 1Hi.
I can not embed videos on facebook.
My code is as follows(example):
I received confirmation that I am in the whitelist.
It does not work because I use youtube videos?
hi -
I am having this embed code
and to share this video I have written code like this [ in Ruby on Rails ]
still I am not able to share this video on FB from my site...
anything missing in it..??
arehmanNew MemberRegistered: 2010-07-21Posts: 2Our site has been whitelisted, but, we have been facing similar issue. Facebook picks the video title, description, image src etc but it only displays image on the share not a play icon.
Another thing we noticed is that it's giving a class="UIMediaItem_wrapper" and not a class="UIVideoThumb".
Here are the meta tags on the page.
Also, if we click on href in video_src, the browser plays video fine.
We've tried specifying 'px' in width and height and also without it, it didn't work out.
I see that number of people having this issue. Where are the Facebook guys to help out ????
-- Thanks
-------- Edited 02/23/10 -----
I compared the source of after clicking share from our page at and one from othe site from where I can successfully embed.
Two important points I noticed are:
1 - In our case response code is 206 : , however for successful case it's 200. If this is an HTTP code then 206 means partial request succeeded.
2 - Second issue is with the 'safe' parameter : , In my case it's empty while for a successful case it's always 1.
What we are missing ???
Last edited by arehman (2010-07-23 04:29:39)jeetendra.dhalNew memberRegistered: 2009-06-24Posts: 4Hi arehman,
I find that you need to do a urlencode for "" in
Can you please do a urlencode of ( and check if it works for you.
For example in PHP I will do it as
Yes, that was the exact issue. We just figured it out an hour ago. It was working with Flowplayer 3.1.5 without url-escape, but not with 3.2.2
-- Thanks.
gurolermisNew MemberRegistered: 2010-08-06Posts: 4came to check mail 10 July 2010 00:09
I've done so. but not
What is error
my web site
ekstasis16New MemberRegistered: 2010-09-12Posts: 1Here's a slightly different take on this. I've got a website that hosts videos stored in various location. Some are on our server, some are on YouTube that we just embed on our site. For the local videos, I set the
But for the videos living on YouTube, I create a
The weird thing is, the video looks like it embeds properly on a Facebook wall post. It has the thumbnail with the play icon and everything. But when you click on it, a big empty space is created where the YouTube player should be, but it remains blank. If I right-click I can see that a Flash player is there, but its not displaying and playing back.
So, can Facebook handle video embeds from YouTube if the normal YouTube URL is in the
Sorry for the Noob question, but i am trying to embed our videos into Facebook to play inline like the YouTube videos, but am not having any luck... all that happens is the thumbnail image shows, and it is a regular link...
I'm currently sharing the link:
Our site was recently white-listed and here are the meta tags that i am using currently:
I tried sharing the url: , but had no luck with that either..
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
hongy20New MemberRegistered: 2010-10-06Posts: 1Hey Greg, same problem here.
I got stuck with embedding flash to feed stories, here are my meta tags for testing.
On facebook wall, the embed works properly with image thumbnail, but unfortunately the 'click to play' button is missing. Any ideas?
BTW: The URL for the embedded swf file ( has already been whitelisted.
gurolermisNew MemberRegistered: 2010-08-06Posts: 4white-listed ok...
been a long time, FB does not play video, thumb is not doing, Why video does not flush?
Please help mi
What is wrong codes?
So many people have the same Problem!
The Audio-Meta works fine (), also Youtube-Links in my HTML, but only own Flash doesnt work! and my code is 100% correct equally to the codes right here
Are Facebook attempt to fool us?
I have an Idea for all people, but we must find one people who can succesfuly post embed-flash.
this one person would share a preloader with the option like ?file=
for example: w w
Who can help us?????
Last edited by comod (2010-10-24 04:52:33)Matt.TrainerAdministratorRegistered: 2008-12-01Posts: 1275Hello,
You might try opening a new thread (or better yet, a bug) for the issue you are seeing. Considering this thread has comments that are over a year old, it's likely a different problem with similar symptoms.
Matt Trainer
Hi everybody!
I add this code to my site, but not work
My code:
@ Matt.Trainer
Can you tell me where we can find the latest Thread to this topic?
I would guess facebook does not want that anyone can post flash content. Thats the Problem, isnt it?
Last edited by comod (2010-11-14 07:25:35)umerbutt_pucitNew MemberRegistered: 2011-01-03Posts: 1Hi,
Guys I am looking a way to share files types other that .swf. I have mp4, wmv and .mov file which I like to share on facebook. I have searched a lot but couldn't find any way.
redfoxmktingNew Member
Guys I am looking a way to share files types other that .swf. I have mp4, wmv and .mov file which I like to share on facebook. I have searched a lot but couldn't find any way.
Anyone have an updated answer to this question? Is there any other way to share a video file without converting it to a .swf? I can't figure out how to export from my camera as .swf and i'm not quite sure how to converting it. Thanks
anarNew MemberRegistered: 2011-08-10Posts: 1Ladies and gentlemen,
I was experiencing the same problem and found a solution.
Try switching to http by disabling Account->Account Settings->Security->Secure Browsing and you will be able to play your videos from news feed/profile page.
Please post here if you were successful so that other guys get notified!