With the update of 15 July [ http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/524/ ] developers install tabs their pages by obtaining access tokens page.
So far so good.
I want to be install and uninstall too.
Problem with uninstall is the url of the graph is not cool. Why we prefix identifies an application with "app" ...
For example
Doc DELETE command is not correct:
Https://graph.facebook.com//PAGE_ID/tabs/app_YOUR_APP _ ID? Method = delete & access_t oken = YOUR_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKE N
I.e. YOUR_APP_ID must be the prefix "app".
The main problem is that the application is successfully * removed * from however it seems that this is only visually.
If you use FQL query such as the one below has_added_app correctly even though it was removed !?
Select page_id, pic_small, page_url, page from has_added_app
Anyone know a workaround to get the truth about page tab without reading the end point of the/PAGE_ID/tabs graph?