BowNanCNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-04 8: Posts
Already I'm trying to get Javascript SDK working with PHP SDK (v 3.1). Basically, I want to go through the javascript SDK and pull user information using PHP.
Try to read some of the functions "Facebook $-> api", always I get an error that says that this access_token property is not set.
Print _ SESSION, $ $ _ COOKIE, $ PHP-information _ REQUEST, it looks like:
1. my access_token set to access_token application (APP_ID |APP_SECRET), not my user's access_token (APP_ID | code).
2. the field fbsr_APP_ID of my COOKIE variables are set to an array of the following fields:
3. looking into the code base_facebook. php PHP SDK, note that this operation:
{GetUserAccessToken () function is protected
//First, check the signed request if it is provided.
//If the request is signed, then he alone determines
//Access token.
$ Signed_request = $ this-> getSignedRequest ();
If {($ signed_request)
{If (array_key_exists (' oauth_token ', $ signed_request))
$ Access_token = $ signed_request ["oauth_token"];
$ This-> setPersistentData ("access_token", $ access_token);
Return $ access_token;
//Request countries signed nothing so no access token
//Stored in the clear.
$ This-> clearAllPersistentData ();
Return false; //To respect the request data is signed, even
//If the authorization code, or something else
It seems that there are also the "oauth_token" in a signed request ... That cannot be set when I went to my full Board with javascript sdk.
Am I missing something here? Or is this a bug? Any help be but appreciated. Thank you!
BowNanCNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-04 8: PostsAnyone have thoughts on this or am I only one having trouble interfacing Javascript php sdk sdk ...?
BowNanCNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-04 8: PostsActually ... nevermind, it looks like the latest v 3.1.1 fixes the problem by reading the code in a signed request
LCallaghan84A new Member
3.1.1 good is not working for me
You try to use the javascript sdk to log on, and php sdk to gather the data? Post any code, you can help
LCallaghan84A new Member
Here is my code, I tried using js sdk login button with full Board, but dosnt connect properly. And gives an example of a new js sdk I loop reload.
Last edited by LCallaghan84 (today 07: 47: 04)