A dialog box is displayed behind the swf fb. ui in ie8 and ie7

Abfx88New Memberregistered: 2011-08-01 2: Posts

Some swf application has Facebook share button on the external interface call use uses some fb. ui dialog js, everything is working well, but in IE8 and IE7 iframe dialog window behind the swf de ... IE9 takes some time to put it on the invoice.
Ive been looking for an answer but nothing works. Heres some of my code.

CincityNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-02 Posts: 1

You can resolve it by setting up swfobject as the following:

Swfobject. embedSWF ("myFlashswf?", "flashContent", "680", "600", "1.0", null, null, {wmode option: "opaque"}, {name: ' flashContent '});

Abfx88New Memberregistered: 2011-08-01 2: Posts

Thank you, thank you! ...smile

Last edited by abfx88 (today 10: 16: 02)