Problem with tag og: image

HagalaeNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-30 Posts: 3

I'm experiencing the following problem on our site.
We add buttons share articles we place on our site.
Currently I still have a living example
(Buttons on the home page are relevant!)

You can provide the tags Aug dynamically when you load the page.
This result has the following tags

Also post the following info

Og: xmlns = ""
Xmlns: fb = "" >

When I hit the button share full Board, all of the accessory are recognized, apart from the image.

Bizar is that, when reference is a different picture on another site. (For example

Also find the picture (and visisble on full Board ...)

To be complete, we own domains , &, both refering to that site ...

Does someone has an idea?

Good advance

DavidByrdenNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-06 Posts: 119website


A Web page that uses HTML frames. This means that it consists of multiple files, each with its own URL.

You have put the metadata in a single file, but the URL you posted here-the same place in Aug: url indicates a file with no metadata.

Facebook toolbar will treat these as separate files. You need to point to its own file url: Aug.


HagalaeNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-30 Posts: 3

Hello David,

Thank you for your response!

You can change the code and was able to do succesfull test. ... Only once

Afterwards, the old behavior, popup ...

All the meta tags also now voting to be mortselanders.

Og: url pointing to , the file contains in fact metatags (dynamically loaded in c #)! (I left the querystring (refering article (? id = artxxx) out)

Now actually I have 2 questions
Am I missing something? I did something wrong?

Why this works only once? Looking forward to working with the wrong data are metatags containing.



Last edited by Hagalae (today 10: 16: 44)

DavidByrdenNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-06 Posts: 119website


File in the URL you provided the source,
Is an HTML file is very small, about 20 lines long, which does not contain code Facebook or any data at all.

You are still using this to test to demonstrate the issue? If Yes, my original message is still in my explanation.

The second message you provide
This action does not return any page, due to a programming error.


HagalaeNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-30 Posts: 3

Http:// is still the page I'm using to test.

The URL is used in the tag url: Aug.
Indeed, without the querystring, it will cause an error. (Sorry, exception handling is not finished yet:-) ...)

The problem is, that you are refering to a small html file ... I have no idea what ...
Page shown when is going to build dynamically using my codebehind file (.cs) that loads the file file.txt, refered to in querystring (in this case, the loaded art45 (contents of the .txt file is displayed via response document.write statement.) to the aspx file.
Also, in metatags are added dynamically through it a code behind (some congestion)

So it's not clear to me what you are refering html file?
