V 3.0.1 PHP SDK released

Upgrade v 3.0.0 sdk for php-check below my scenerio,

Creating application full Board.

Index.htm file php encountered JS SDK code on full Board, here's the code

When a user is logged on then it will activate the function
GoToNextFBprocess () {document.location.href = "full Board-php" activity. ";}

This means redirect to full Board-php, which activity. complete my actual full Board activity.

Full Board-activity. php encountered v 3.0.0 PHP SDK, is below,

//Create an instance of our application.
$ Facebook = new Facebook (array (' check ' = > $ fbconfig [' observing '], ' secret ' = > $ fbconfig [' secret '], ' cookie ' = > true,));

$ User = $ Facebook-> getUser ();
If ($ user)
//Here is a list of all activities ......
} Else
Header ("location: errorPage. php");
So it always switch errorPage. php because I value the user $ 0

Can you please explain to me why it uses a $ 0.

Need help.

Thanks in advance.