You cannot edit information application

IbroadfoNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-24 Posts: 2


I could barely be able to edit my application information. I get the page the edit an application X "has a different categories in the application information, application settings, the settings in the wall, and more. When you click ' Edit ' link under ' application information ' which links/developers/editabout.php? app_id = Xid mine go to the main application management -

Anyone else experiencing this? Or does anyone have an alternate way to edit application information page?

PeraltonNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-24 Posts: 2

I'm having the same issue. I try to update the description of the application and the section about the developer profile page of my application, but no.

Yesterday I had to edit the details of the application in the apps on my profile page is very beautiful. Then at the end of the day by clicking the button "Edit" will take me to my application developers instead.

This action occurs in three different applications. I use the rating system to both apps developers rank third. My coworkers are unable to edit this information.

Here's what I do:
From the my profile page: application
Click the Edit Info (sk = Basic)
Take me to a page where you can edit a wall defining implementation details, application settings, etc. From here, I click the Edit link below information application or application settings

Application: information page:
Edit link settings application:

However, when I click (or paste the URL), finish on application developers mine:
Https:// >

I really need to understand what's wrong so that you can update the details of our company before launch. Any help is appreciated greatly.

Last edited by Peralton (2011-08-24 11: 40: 25)

IbroadfoNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-24 Posts: 2

Thanks for the guys and the Bank.

Who has not encountered this bug? Please let us

BixNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-10 Posts: 18

I have the same problem since yesterday!
This is so annoying, the application is ready since yesterday, but I can finish it because I can't edit the informations ...mad

Last edited by bix (2011-08-24 23: 30: 32)bixregisterednew Member: 2011-08-10 Posts: 18a new MemberregisteredPeralton: 2011-08-24 Posts: 2

I added my problem with this bug. Frankly, I'm not sure where to post information or support as the situation seemed ??????? this going away soon. Seems to be posting here:


Stack overflow is a forum for pure coding problems, not the full Board.

Last edited by Peralton (today 10: 00: 50)bixregisterednew Member: 2011-08-10takwingPosts: 18_ a Moderator but do not have _from Hong KongRegistered: 2010-05-05 PostsWeb site : 4318

Voted in favor of the bug.

Other please do so, to draw the attention of fb it